Who we serve
WVNET works with K-12 schools, higher educational institutions, libraries, state and county governments, and various not-for-profits.
- High-speed internet connectivity to every school, library, government building, and county courthouse
- Secure server hosting and administration
- Cybersecurity tools and education
- Email services including virus and spam filtering, email list management
- Statewide software and hardware purchasing consortium
- Information security and network firewall protection
- Learning Management Systems hosting and support
- Consulting services and support
- Web design and development
In accordance with Senate Bill 653, effective July 1, 2000, WVNET reports to the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (WVHEPC).

Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Values
Our Goals
Connecting West Virginia to the World since 1975
Our History
WVNET was created in 1975 to provide central computing facilities and wide-area network communications linking its “central site” computing resources in Morgantown with the campus computing systems at most of the colleges and universities throughout the state.